Monday, July 28, 2014

Makeup Tip For Teenagers


Being in the teenage years is one of the challenging times of a person. A changing body, idealistic entanglements, a first job, driving lessons and so many other countless items only serve to make the teenage years more difficult. The following make up tips for teenagers cover a lot of problems. So, this makes up tips will help in avoiding common mistakes made by young women learning to use make up for the first time. If you are a teenage girl, there is no harm in experimenting with your looks.

You need to learn as early as you can because someday you may have to deal with cosmetics on a daily basis. You just need to be acquainted with a couple of tips in applying makeup and develop a basic daily routine to keep that beautiful face as healthy as possible. The "concealer" is used as an extra for covering acne, blemishes, dark circles or any defects.

 A concealer must be light enough to match your skin tone, but murky enough to coat what it has to. After concealer, a glow foundation may be used. With youth, this step is possibly not even necessary, as most youth skin tones are by now even. The next stride is to apply a light dusting of looks powder. One of the best make up tips for teenagers is to stroke powder on sparingly; you don't want it to look coated on.

 A foundation with an SPF of 20 or higher is also suggested for use, as it helps guard the skin from the damaging sun's rays. Another makeup tips for teenagers would be to allow the eyes to shine and glow because they are the windows to your soul and you can do this using a pencil to create dots between lashes and then smudge them gently for a natural look. If you are having problems with the redness, then you can buy over-the-counter- drops to brighten the color of f your eyes.

 Black mascara goes well to further increase the beauty of your eyelashes. If you have cool skin type then it is better to opt for a pinkish blush shade. If your skin tone is warm, then you may choose a peach blush. Use cotton balls to perfectly blend the shades. It is very important to dress your eye nicely. It should shine and should not look dull. Many eye shadows serve this purpose.

You can even take some advice from a beauty expert or get few tips from some magazines too. To make sure your look looks fantastic, you need to invest in quality skin care. Use a product that helps to remove the oil from your skin, if you have oily skin. If you have acne, be sure to keep your skin as dry and clean as possible. Not over applying makeup will also help to keep your pores healthy, which really affects the skin quality.

 Teenager makeup secrets are the simple things. Apply colors that work well together, rather than battle for attention. Also, choose just one area of your face to focus on, such as your eyes or your lips. Apply more there, and ensure the color brings out your look. These makeup secrets for teenagers are easy to use but offer great results no matter what style or theme you are after. And then, what are the other beauty care tips you must know very well? The next point you must know is about the perfect skin care tips. Sometimes, the teenagers have the wrong perception about the right idea of make up.

They simply put the make up on their face. But, that is not the right thing. The key is in the inner beauty. Feeling beautiful inside, you will be more attractive to others on the outside. For active teenagers, ensure any routine includes the body. Don't over exfoliate, usually 3 times a week is good enough. Excess scrubbing can lead to any infection spreading across the surface of the skin.

You may consider using a leave-on exfoliant, containing salicylic acid. This can clean up the pores and cut through oil. When the pores are clear, breakouts are much less likely to occur. Treat breakouts as and when they take place. Simple as in may seem but it needs a lot of patience and time to do it, but at the end of the day doing so will give you a good and perfect brow that you ever wanted.
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Eye Makeup Suggestions And Secrets

By Steve Zones

By selecting the correct make-up for your eyes will make you feel and appear like the attractive superstar or the girl across the street that you would like to be.

A number of aspects play a crucial role in figuring out the makeup style that you would like and this includes your eye colour, structure and complexion, in addition to the occasion that you are dressed up for. And if you want to make your eyes look more dramatic, you can make the line taper-up & out a bit past the outside corner of your eyes. Be extra careful though, when applying your eyeliner as a little goes a long way.

Use a tissue to wipe the wand and you can use it as the lash comb. Try to apply a single coat of thick mascara, instead of putting coat after coat of a thin formula of mascara, which in the end can results in clumps. It is not recommended to use a liquid eyeliner are it is not ideal for this particular smoky eye look. It can't be blended and it will cause a more severe look.

Do not draw your shadow pencil over the delicate skin of your eyelids, if you are using one. Instead to apply the colours to your eyelid, apply first the colours to the back of your hand & use an applicator. Now you can bring-out your beautiful eyes with just a touch of mascara. By starting at the base of your eye-lashes, you can avoid globs and then wiggling the wand outwards.

Apply a thin line of eyeliner in a colour that complements your eye shadow colour choice to define further your eyes. Make sure to stabilize your arm by resting your elbow on a table or desk. Apply the liner first to the top eyelid, and then apply some to your bottom eyelid. Start from the inner corner and draw a line as close to your eyelashes as possible and stop halfway to the outer corner. If you draw the line all the way across can make you look to appear too dramatic.

Ladies with green eyes can use delicate mauves and lilacs, while ladies with golden hair should use taupes and browns. For ladies with brown eyes, your eyes work well with deep shades of gold, blue-grey and plum. Don't use frosted eye shadow colours on mature skin and rather you can choose from softer matte colours. Before putting your mascara on, apply powder to your lower lids first and by accomplishing this can assist you to protect against smearing. By cleansing your wand in water and soap, will help you to keep it clean always.

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Tips On Makeup


Green eyes are really fun to work with. They have such a wide color range from turqouise to chartreuse to forest green to bright light green and on and on. Makeup tips for blue eyes are pretty straightforward. The trick is to learn which colors look better on blue eyes, and start with those, and then branch out with the colors that you are personally drawn to. Women have a unique ability to choose colors that are complimentary to them.

 In my experience, experimenting is all the fun. So, remember these are merely guidelines to help you choose colors when you're standing there in front of 300 colors and have no idea where to start. Just because I don't mention anything about a certain color does not automatically exclude it from the list.

 Every makeup tip is unanimous on one point and that is a good skin foundation. It is essential for that oh-so-glamorous porcelain smooth look. A foundation also gives protection to the delicate facial skin from harmful weather forces and pollution.

In conjunction with a moisturizer, it prevents the skin from ageing. Since the very moment after the bride and groom have officially announced their engagement, planning for the wedding day should include the searching for wedding hairstyles and makeup tips. If the "Big Day" is on its way, keep in mind that it is best to look like yourself, but emphasizing special features of your face.

 Your first course of action is to pick a celebrity or look that you are after to mimic. Eye makeup ideas are hard to come up with on your own, but there are plenty of models out there for you to mimic. This is an eye makeup trick; mimic someone else’s look. How will you know who to select? Although the look can definitely be dramatic, it is not necessarily dark.

 The real secret to the smoky look is in the color eyeshadow you use. Smoky eye makeup should be done with care and style. This type of eye makeup suits any face type and helps show up the brow bone. A very important thing to take into account is the eye shadow color. Being very careful, smoky eyes are not so difficult to obtain. An advantage of this kind of makeup is that it fits any face type.

Start applying the smoky eyes makeup, First, apply a perfect eyeliner and the base eye shadow over the upper lid, blending with a base brush. Start by applying a sheer foundation and apply more light layers of foundation over the areas that need more coverage, then gradually build it up till you have full coverage.

 You will find that a yellow based foundation works best, but do try to match it to your won personal skin tone. If your eyes are the focus of the makeup look, keep the other two color areas softer. Dark eyes and dark lips are extremely stylized, and few can pull it off. Let one of the three color areas of your face take center stage while the others do backup. Don't underestimate back ups.
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Makeup eye tips , Tips for glowing skin , Skin whitening products , Makeup product brands , Eyeshadow makeup 2012

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